Initial Consultation

The initial consultation gives you a chance to meet with the attorney, discuss the facts of your current situation, consider a variety of options and outcomes, and set out a course of action. Also, the first meeting is an opportunity for us to become acquainted with each other and begin structuring a framework of cooperation that will be essential to the success of your case. We will explain things such as the various processes and hearings that will take place throughout your case, and there will be ample opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

There are a few items you can bring with you that are helpful, but not necessarily crucial for us at the initial consultation:
  • Any petitions or other documents that have been served on you
  • Any final order or decree from a previous suit that pertains to this suit
  • Any documents, notices, or letters you have received thus far
Once again, we cannot emphasize enough the importance of calling us to schedule your initial consultation as soon as you think you may need an attorney.